Sri Agasthiyar Maha Siva Nadi Jothida Nilayam

A family of Astrologyin chennai, Astrology in chennai, VAITHEESWARAN KOIL GURUKULAM, nadi Astrology

About Us
A family of Astrologers

Meet the insightful family of astrologers at Vaitheeswaran Koil Gurukulam & Madipakkam, Chennai. They hold ancient Palmyrah leaf scripts passed down for generations, offering profound predictions for your well-being. 

Discover the ancient wisdom passed down through generations - bundles of Palmyrah leaves adorned with scripts in ancient Tamil. These precious documents, a legacy of Siddhas and Seers, hold the essence of supreme knowledge and insights into humanity's existence. Embrace the heritage of our forefathers and delve into the profound teachings etched on these mystical leaves.

Those who have the urge to live a more fulfilling life may approach them either in VAITHEESWARAN KOIL GURUKULAM or MADIPAKKAM CHENNAI to know the hidden values of their life, reasons for suffering and the ways and means to remove them to live a successful life to their maximum contentment.


Guruji. T.S. Ramesh Thiruvasagam 

(Chief Naadi Astrologer)

We'll fix the problem you were facing!

This family well versed with the knowledge of interpreting the scripts offering an invaluable service to the populace by removing the obstacles of growth in different areas of life such as Health, Education, Life Span, Marriage, Career etc., and Guiding them as prescribed by the great Rishies to lead a more successful life in all areas.

Those who have the urge to live a more fulfilling life may approach them either in VAITHEESWARAN KOIL GURUKULAM or MADIPAKKAM CHENNAI to know the hidden values of their life, reasons for suffering and the ways and means to remove them to live a successful life to their maximum contentment.

What We Do

Once a native person's thumbs impression is acquired, the reader at the library turns it over. To make finding the bundles easier, the palm-leaf bundles are categorized and organized in the library upon thumb impressions. There are probably five to six bundles for every thumb impression, and each bundle has fifty to one hundred leaves in it. One can find the leaf of a certain person in the initial bundle or in any other bundle out of the six. Sometimes it could go undiscovered since the prophecies from this sacred text are only applicable to a select few souls.As a result, locating this particular leaf requires a lot of work and effort. Because the reader must read aloud one statement from the first leaf, and he will read aloud the second statement to ensure its accuracy if the native confirms it. If this is not the case for the native, the reader will have to continue looking through leaf after leaf and bundle after bundle in order to find the one leaf where all the information about the native is accurately stated. The Native must provide his whole cooperation in order to quickly up this procedure; that is, he must pay close attention to the reading and provide accurate answers.As a consequence, the leaf and the first Kaandam, also known as General Kaandam, which represents the native's lagna, are traced out. The rest of the 12 houses of the Native American's birth chart will likewise have brief forecasts provided by the General Kaandam. If more in-depth predictions for any other house are needed, they may be examined in the pertinent Kaandam found in the Annexure.The Rishis maintain that in order for the Native to reap the benefits promised by this sacred text, they must be freed from the negative consequences of all past transgressions. As a result, the rishis recommend and prescribe carrying out particular parihaaras (remedies). The Rishi guaranteed that the events he predicts will occur if these Remedies are carried out fully. These may be found in two different chapters, Shanthi and Deeksha (Nos. 13 and 14).


A date must be confirmed by calling, visiting, or sending a letter to the center in order for a Jathaka or consumer to consult the Naadi. Since the waiting list is now growing by up to three months, if the customer is unable to arrive for whatever reason, the date might be given to other customers who are waiting. The client has one day to confirm his presence or position, failing which the date will be cancelled.The name of the person being consulted does not need to be disclosed at the time of receiving the date or until the Naadi is read; instead, he can provide the names of other relatives, close friends, or code names that should be kept in mind when seeking consultation. The name of the person being consulted will be revealed in the prediction itself. The right or left thumb imprint, depending on gender, must be specified at the center on the scheduled appointment date.The bundles comprising the specific set or thumb imprint to which his impression belongs will be traced with the aid of this impression. It can take up to three hours to pick the specific leaf that corresponds to an individuals; in other cases, clients are lucky to receive it in the range of five or six leaves. Each leaf pertaining to an individual would include information about that individual, such as the names of the individual and his partner, his parents, the number of brothers and sisters, the order in which he was born within the family, whether or not he is the son of the first or second wife, if his father had been married twice, and other such details.When information is read out from the leaves, the consumer should affirm or refute it. However, he shouldn't reveal the information too soon. The next leaf is picked and the procedure continues until the proper leaf, that includes the factual predictions totally, coincides with his family's information. If the details provided in a specific do not agree altogether. People frequently don't receive their leaves. It indicates that they are still too young to predict their future. We occasionally send in fresh bundles from our Head Office, so individuals who did not receive their Naadi in their previous tries can receive it later. However, in situations when the client does not locate his or her leaf after a considerable amount of time, we do not charge any expenses.These projections, as previously mentioned, are in poetic Tamil and contain code words for astrological concepts. Skilled Asans interpret and decode them, providing spoken Tamil explanations of the forecasts. The notebook with the original predictions is presented to the clients along with these translated into Hindi or English and recorded on tapes.


The Sukshma Naadi forecasts for each of the twelve Bhavas, or houses, are accessible, as previously mentioned. Referencing the general Kaandam found in chapter 1 is required, since it serves as an index and includes detailed and accurate forecasts from the moment the customer's leaf is traced until the end of his life. As previously mentioned in the VIth chapter, this general Kanda only recognizes the appropriate leaf relevant to the consumer. The nine planets' planetary positions are then described. From these placements, the horoscope's specifics are derived and entered into the Notebook, which also contains the first forecasts. This horoscope matches a client's natal horoscope to the letter.But the horoscope that appears in the Naadi does not show the Lagna position or the balance of the Dasa and Bhukthi periods. Rarely, the lagna is also recommended. Please check the DasaBhukthi chapter for further information. Next, the current Gochara position of the planets is discussed. If there are any major doshams or grievous crimes from a past incarnation, Shanthi and Deeksha, Kaandam, are recommended. We shall encounter this in the upcoming chapter. The forecasts are then offered, encompassing all twelve bhava affects (education, career, marriage, health, children, profit and loss in profession, service, death, etc.) from the moment the leaf is traced until the end of his life. These forecasts are divided into many age periods for him (in Natal Astrology, this corresponds to Dasa Bhukthi wise), often spanning three years, during which time the events that transpire will be thoroughly examined.